Energy Guide to Nature

Many people are surprised to learn that the ancient sage Lao Tzu was actually born in India. While living there, he became recognized as one of the most accomplished Yoga masters of his time. In India, he had the name Boganathar. It was emperor Chen, his first and only student in China that gave him the title Lao Tzu. Boganathar mastered 3 different yoga disciplines: Hatha, Pranayama and Kundalini Yoga. Even so, along that way, Read more…

Energy Guide to Healing with Music

There are some fascinating claims circulating all over the digital world about the power of music to heal. Listen to this and your migranes will disappear. Put on this and repair your DNA. Play our music and remove all toxins. Hear these pieces and your depression will disappear. Oh really? Does that happen every single time? Does that track come with a guaruntee? Some people who see this will immediately wonder, “Is this is an Read more…

Energy Guide to Relationships

Imagine for a moment that every human relationship, every conversation, every encounter between two people could be measured and displayed like the battery level on a smart phone. When does a relationship recharge your battery? When are they depleting? Why? How do you fix them? So what happens to the energy when both people are getting their battery filled in a relationship? What is the energy doing when one person is filling up but the Read more…

Energy Guide to Longevity

There is a powerful influence in the unconscious mind within every human being on the planet. It leads to a fear that we have no choice about when or how we are going to leave the earth when our life comes to an end. At the Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet, this is called the unconscious death urge. For many adults, a traumatic experience at some point in their lives triggers or awakens the Read more…

Energy Guide to Work

Regenerative work happens when the effort is coming from the soul. Those inspired by the soul energy can work for days at a time without getting tired. They can dedicate years of effort to a cause and not be deterred. The work seems to generate its own light, all by itself. There is an aura of heaven around someone doing their soul mission. It is far beyond “normal”. The world has fallen quite far from Read more…

Energy Guide to Sleep

Ask anyone who tries to work on 2 hours less sleep a night for 5 or 6 days in a row, and they’ll tell you how difficult it is. They just don’t have the energy they need. No energy drink or Venti Starbucks bridges the gap. What is really happening energy-wise when you get less sleep than you need? That only makes sense when you understand what happens energetically during sleep. Your psycho-emotional health depends Read more…